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Year-end-giving for non-profits: Connecting with donors without the hard sell
For many nonprofits, end-of-year giving is a critical part of their annual fundraising. How do you do it without annoying donors?
Data hacks for Heads of Marketing to demonstrate ROI
Measuring marketing is tricky. How do you approach it without getting overwhelmed?
Does marketing work? Is marketing just a con?
Sometimes I think marketing is a con. But is it really?
Five (mostly free) AI tools I love to use for marketing
Here are five (mostly free) AI tools I enjoy using for marketing tasks.
Three ways to use generative AI in marketing
I am having a lot of fun playing with Chat GPT. Below are some ways that businesses can use to help them with their marketing.
AI - marketing tool or game-changer? (Spoiler - it's both)
Yes, I’m going to weigh in on the topic of the moment – AI. Here are 5 ways that I think it will change the game in marketing.
Customer Journey Part 3: Customer Retention
In this customer journey blog we’re going to be moving into the commonly neglected part of the customer journey – customer retention!
Customer Journey Part 2: Customer acquisition
This blog will cover just the initial stages of the customer journey – the bit that the sales team is most interested in!
Crabapple Communiqués - February 2023 Newsletter
February - the month of the doers. With only 28 days at our disposal, it focuses the mind on what can actually get done!
Why the customer journey is the key to getting inside your customers’ heads (Part 1)
Top tip - thinking about the customer journey is the ultimate hack to working out what the right marketing tactics are for you.
Why consistency is key
Marketing is all about consistency. It’s about showing up and keeping on showing up.
Crabapple Communiqués - October 2022 Newsletter
It's the end of October, how did that happen? Spoiler alert - my October newsletter is NOT Halloween-themed. It IS apple-themed though.
Lesson from 2021: You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems
When I was thinking about what to put in this month's newsletter a couple of themes sprang to mind so I just decided to riff on them.
Crabapple Communiqués November 2021 Newsletter
How was your November? Was it like Norway? Read my latest newsletter to find out what I've been up to this month and what ideas I've had.
Helping a marketing agency level up through brand strategy, visual brand and marketing strategy
Day One is a marketing agency that specifically works with dentists. The founder of the agency wanted to level up the company.
How to create a marketing budget: a rough guide
If you’ve not put one together before, creating a marketing budget can feel like guessing. Here are some tips.
How to work out what makes you special – your unique value proposition
It can be tough to work out what makes you stand out from the competition. Here are some steps to help you work out what makes you special.
Why listening is the key to discovering your brand’s soul - in conversation with a brand strategist
I wanted to talk to a brand strategist about what they do so I could help small businesses understand it better.
Year one of COVID-19 – How has business and marketing changed?
So COVID-19 happened. We are now in a transition period and this year it will be fascinating to see which trends are here to stay.
5 signs you might need help with your marketing strategy
You might need help with your marketing strategy if...
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